Personal Contract Forms

Contractual Services Payment Request Form

For services less than $5,000 during the calendar year or when payment cannot be made in PORT, payment can be processed on a Contractual Services Payment Request Form along with documentation from the department (memo and invoice).  This form should only be utilized for non-ECU employees or students.

Instructions for Completing the Contractual Services Payment Request Form

The Contractual Services Payment Request (CSPR) form is a DocuSign Template and can be initiated by the requesting department. Access the template by logging into DocuSign through PiratePort and it is found under Shared Folders and titled Contractual Services Payment Requests.

Screenshot instructions outline the steps needed to complete the form. Once the form has been fully signed, a final copy will be sent to all the signers and will be available to the department preparer within DocuSign.

Finally, the department preparer must complete the process by submitting the fully signed CSPR form through the Accounts Payable Submission form. To complete the form, the preparer must:

  • Select form type (CSPR)
  • Select the Banner ID and payee type
  • Enter the payment amount and due date
  • The submitter’s name and email will populate
  • If the department wishes to pick up the physical check from Accounts Payable, note that under Check Disposition.
  • If the check is to be mailed, or paid by ACH, click N/A.
  • Attach any supporting backup
  • Click Submit Form

A confirmation email will be sent to the submitter showing that Accounts Payable has received the request.


This list contains the most commonly used account FOAPAL codes for personal services.  Please note this list isn’t all encompassing, and others may be used if reasonable.  Enter the corresponding FOAPAL code(s) and major Banner Account codes includes the payments to independent contractors, external organizations, and others for professional and consultative personal services engaged on a contractual basis.

Account NumbersDescription
73001Legal and Accounting Fees: This minor object includes the professional fees paid to attorneys and accountants for legal and accounting services rendered to the institution.
73038Consultant Fees: This minor object includes the fees paid to professional specialists for consultative services provided to the institution. Consultants require approval at the state level.
73011Medical Fees: This minor object includes the professional fees paid to hospitals, medical doctors, dentists, nurses, etc. for medical services rendered on behalf of the institution.
73062Employee on Loan Payments: This minor object includes the payments to other state government agencies for professional services of borrowed employees subject to the statewide policy on dual employment.
73064*Honorariums: This minor object includes the payments to professional persons for services rendered when custom or propriety forbids the setting of fees. *This account code may not be used on grant funds.
73101Academic Inst/Res Service: This minor object includes non-payroll payments for instructional and research services performed by individuals who are not State employees.
73067Other Contracted Services: This minor object includes non-payroll payments, or fees, to independent contractors, external organizations, and others for professional and consultative personal services engaged on a contractual basis, and not identified by minor objects numbered 73001 through 73101. It includes the costs of contracted secretarial, clerical, instructional, and research services provided by non-employees and critic teachers.

Any questions about this process should be directed to the Department of Materials Management (252) 328-6434.